Hello, Econ is here

Foto Profil

Trian Verson Tumanan

SouthEast Sulawesi, Kendari

A Physics Graduate's Journey into Creative Coding


Learn to Code

This web is my learning
progress to be a web dev


Wanna Play?

Suit Game

Suit Game

Prompt Alert command of Rock Paper Scissors against computer.

Shooting Game

Shooting Game

Prompt Alert command of Two Players shoot each other.

Toko Kelontong

Toko Kelontong

Prompt Alert command of e-commerce. Login as Admin to manage store.

My Web Project

Web Lawyer Mobile

Company Profile Landing Page

Code challenge of Purwadhika's front end module for making a company profile website. The design can be found here.

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Web Blog Mobile

Web App Blog

This application allows users to create and manage blogs based on predefined categories. Built with Next.js, React, and Redux for the frontend, and utilizing MySQL, Prisma ORM, and Express.js for the backend, this web app offers a seamless and efficient blogging experience. The design inspiration is taken from a Figma community file, which can be found here. Check out the repository on my github.

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Money Tracker

Money Tracker App

This application can track your financial transactions and allows you to search through stored transaction records. It is built using Next.js for the frontend and MySQL for the database, utilizing an Express API. The repo is in my github.

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Sayurmoms Mobile

Sayurmoms Landing Page

This landing page was created by a team of three: myself, Putu, and Ronald, as part of a group assignment at Purwadhika Surabaya. Sayurmoms is an e-commerce platform that sells daily food essentials based in Surabaya. My contributions to this website include creating the 'About Us', 'Testimonials', 'FAQ', and the 'Footer' sections. The repo is here.

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Prototype Mobile

Prototype Landing Page

Before creating the Sayurmoms landing page, we developed a prototype using the React library Vite. My primary contributions included designing sections and ensuring mobile responsiveness. Specifically, I worked on the promo card, about us, and footer sections. The repo is here.

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